The Teaching and Services for Students Service area provides the following services:
- Enrolment at the University, registration for courses, Batchelor's degrees, Master's Degrees both with and without admission tests
- Management of students' time at university, information services, issuing of certificates and confirmation of all qualifications issued by the University.
- Management of admission tests and TARM (minimum requirements test)
- Design and implementation of student orientation services
- Information points for orientation at enrolment
- Information and assistance for students
- Information about the job placement service
- Management of curricular and extracurricular apprenticeships as well as job offer services
- Management of relations with companies and other institutions
- Design and implementation of the job placement service
- Support for the management of the academic program
- Support for courses, exams and degree ceremonies
- Support for all teaching staff
- Support for the design and implementation of on-line teaching material
- Course design, establishment and activation
- Management of the academic program within University procedures
- Management of and support for the academic course council
- Providing teaching and student support to departments
- Providing support to schools and special teaching facilities
- Management of teaching appointments
Teaching and Services for Students Office
- didattica.scienzeumanistiche@unito.it
- Helpdesk studenti (for students)
- servizistudenti.scienzeumanistiche@unito.it (for future students)
- ateneo@pec.unito.it (certified mail for external institutions)
Phone:(+39) 011 6709900
Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 11.30
Overall Manager
Email: silvia.gamba@unito.it
Teaching services Manager
Email: wilson.fiore@unito.it
Student services Manager
Email: daniela.lazzaro@unito.it